Friday, December 19, 2008

Not Listless

While perusing through my usual Internet stomping grounds I found the blog Handmade Homeschool through a series of links and was really charmed by the author's writing and pictures and great projects she is doing with her kids. While poking around I found this list that is part of a project that she is taking part in called 100 Things In 1001 Days. I really was fascinated by her list and was feeling a little jealous of all the cool things on it compared to my at the moment only conceptual list of goals.

I decided to follow more links to get to the homepage of 100 Things In 1001 Days, which is called Day Zero and was really excited when I found an ongoing blog with questions to think about and catalysts to get my brain moving in the right direction. The project.. or just tool.. i'm not sure what to call it... is summed up on their site as "Welcome to Day Zero, the home of the 1001 Day Project. A unique meme that challenges and inspires you to set and complete realistic goals in life." The idea also is that 1001 days is a more workable time frame than the often used 1 year because it gives you multiple seasons for scheduling etc. Good thinking!
So far I have decided that this is a pretty happy site. It may not be incredibly functional for trying to figure out who the heck started it or anything like that (although I did find that eventually) and why, but my favorite thing so far is the giant list of lists that you can check out dating back to 2003 AND post your own.
As some of us think about life goals this could be a great place to check out for ideas and brainstorming :) Onward!!!

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