Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another shout out to Magaret Feinberg

I know everyone is busy with the holidays coming up, but I wanted to give one more link for the sake of my like of Margaret Feinberg. Here is a link to the podcast of her speaking at NCC a couple weeks ago. Prepare yourself for some healthy butt kicking. I just appreciated getting a talk about dream following from a new voice. She has a lot to say about listening to the voice of God... which is fascinating to me and mysterious and confusing. Check out her message via audio or video at NCC's website and give my former employer some love :)
I have a few more things to post hopefully in the next week, but just in case nobody has informed you... I will be personally working on my lst of life goals during the holidays and at very least the Kateness and I will sit down and chat about thoughts on this and share helpful things we have found. Join the conversation and bring something helpful (book maybe? article? podcast?) to the table with you.
Mucho love.

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