Thursday, December 18, 2008

Body and Mind

Two things I am doing (intentionally):

1) Pushups. Yes, pushups.

Okay well, I just started. So I'm barely doing pushups. But, for as much as I like to make fun of runners and occasionally other athletic people, I would prefer to not die young. I really should be doing cardiovascular stuff for the most effect in the "I'm-too-young-to-die"-department, but for me right now, an important part of being intentional is incremental improvements. A bird in hand and all of that.

I'm planning to roughly follow this website, which claims to be able to equip you to do 100 consecutive pushups in 6 weeks - a bold claim. Anyway, it doesn't take a lot of time, no special equipment, and I can do it while I'm otherwise completely unproductive (i.e. watching TV). (Maximizing my time seems to be a BIG part of what I feel I need to be productive, and making my downtime productive is a huge thing.) As a bonus, perhaps I will fit into some of my clothes better if this all works out. So there's that.

2) Failing Tests. Yes, failing tests. There is a method to my madness.

I've been working towards getting a Microsoft certification for a while now. It should help make me a more "portable" employee and make raises - anyway it's moving FORWARD rather than just sitting there. There are two tests involved. After remembering how to study (hint: write EVERYTHING down), and figuring out the quirks of the particular test (hint: they ask for asinine details), I took the first test a couple months ago. And yeah, I kicked ass. So I took some time off studying to learn this whiz-bang thing called jQuery (time off??) and bought a book for the next test. And proceed to not open it.

Until today. Kate convinced me to sign up for a test on TUESDAY which I am almost certain to MASSIVELY FAIL. Why is this wise? Because AFTER I fail this test, I get to take it again for free anytime before June 31st, 2009. So, I get a "swing-for-the-fences,-kid"-chance at passing the sucker, a free practice test, a deadline for passing the test, and a guide to direct my study until then. So it's a good idea. It was sort of odd to send off the email to my boss which more or less said that I would be out in the morning on tuesday so I can fail a test. [sad trombone]


So that is how I am being intentional.


paint_pants said...

That's great! I need to set such well measurable goals. Phew... i might just be so inspired... and i expect to see some push-ups during new years

mattg said...

ha ha oh great... now there's all this expectations to live up to.

Actually bek, you just gave me an idea for another blog entry here. See my post on SMART goals.